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Zakat Report

Online Zakat Report from various states of Malaysia

Online Zakat Report from various states of Malaysia

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Zakat Fatwa

Portal of fatwa on zakat from states of Malaysia

Portal of fatwa on zakat from states of Malaysia

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AZKA International Journal Of Zakat & Social Finance (AZJAF).

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The 2nd International Islamic Finance Olympiad (IIFO2024)

The 2nd International Islamic Finance Olympiad (IIFO2024)

CALL FOR INVITATION The 2nd International Islamic Finance Olympiad (IIFO2024). Fakulti Ekonomi dan Muamalat, Universiti…

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The 2nd AISZAWA (Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf) 2024

The 2nd AISZAWA (Aceh International Seminar on Zakat and Waqf) 2024

CALL FOR PAPERSFaculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Baitul Mal Aceh,…

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Perasmian Etiqa AZKA-PPZ Corner @ UiTM Melaka dan Majlis Penghargaan Muzakki

Perasmian Etiqa AZKA-PPZ Corner @ UiTM Melaka dan Majlis Penghargaan Muzakki

15 Mei 2024, Khamis - PTAR UiTM Cawangan Melaka Kampus Alor Gajah dengan kerjasama Unit…

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Kerjasama Penyelidikan AZKA – KPBKL

Kerjasama Penyelidikan AZKA – KPBKL

AZKA-PPZ telah menawarkan geran penyelidikan kepada Kolej Profesional Baitulmal Kuala Lumpur (KPBKL) AZKA-PPZ dan KPBKL terus…

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New Publication


This book seeks to fulfil contemporary demands. Aside from being a research study, it may also serve as a reference for organizations concerned, such as zakat institutions and other institutions, in developing plans connected to zakat and waqf for Muslim growth, particularly in the dimension of women and community.

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