AZKA Research Discussion Session Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)

AZKA Research Discussion Session Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)

Google Meet
4 Mar 2022

AZKA research discussion session between Akademi Zakat (AZKA-PPZ) and Dr. Muhammad Pisol bin Mohd @ Mat Isa. The discussion was conducted by researcher to brief on current status research entitled “Zakat Mustaghallat: Suatu Analisis Terhadap Potensi Kutipan Zakat Al-Mustaghallat Di Wilayah Perseketuan”

The main objectives of this research are:

  • To study the law and practice of collecting Zakat Mustaghallat in Malaysia
  • To conduct simulation for estimated collection of zakat from Mustaghallat’s sources
  • To study the financial impact on the increase in zakat for Zakat Collection Centers

We hope that the outcome from the discussion session will help researcher to be successful with their research.

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