Sponsored by PPZ-MAIWP and Bank Islam.
Announcing upcoming event of 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics 2022 (1st ICONIE 2022) to be held from 30th to 31st March 2022. The event is held in collaboration with Centre for Islamic Economics (CIE) IIUM, Islamic University of Maldives, UIN Ar-Raniry, IsDB Institute and KUISCELL Sdn Bhd.
The theme of the conference is “The Future of Applied Islamic Economics towards Achieving Socio-Economics Justice”. The event will be graced by distinguished keynote speakers – Dr. Sami Al-Suwailem, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar and Dr. Latifa Bibi Musafar Hameed.
Selected articles will be published in Journals indexed by MyJurnal.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 15th January 2022
Abstract acceptance notification: 5th February 2022
Full paper submission: 20th February 2022
Acceptance notification: 25th March 2022
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