ETIQA-AZKA Corner @ UiTM Selangor (Puncak Alam)

ETIQA-AZKA Corner @ UiTM Selangor (Puncak Alam)

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  • December 11, 2024
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The 15th AZKA Corner was established in collaboration with Etiqa Takaful. It was established at the Faculty of Business and Management, UiTM Selangor (Puncak Alam).


The impact of this joint venture is to bring Etiqa Takaful and AZKA-PPZ closer together with the community, in addition to spreading Islamic financial preaching among students and academics and bringing related books so that they are easily accessible to the students and scholars.


This effort is not a one-off effort, but rather the latest publications related to Zakat and waqf, especially those published by AZKA-PPZ itself, will donate at least twice a year regularly to UiTM Cawangan Selangor to be placed in the AZKA Corner space.

*This AZKA Corner was inaugurated on 15 January 2025


Categories: Article, AZKA Corner