
What is Zakat? Let Us Explains

Muslims see wealth as a gift and a divine dispensation. The Quran urges individuals to share their wealth and income with those of lesser means. Almsgiving is one of the five pillars of Islam – a fundamental practice within the faith. One key way this happens is through Zakat, the mandatory yearly donation of 2.5% […]

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Qadha Zakat: Hukum dan Asas Kaedah Kiraan

Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk: (1) Mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembayaran zakat korporat khususnya di kalangan syarikat korporat dan; (2) Mencadangkan penambahbaikan yang perlu kepada Institusi Zakat dari perspektif pendekatan berasaskan nilai (value-based).

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Zakat Gratuiti dan Imbuhan

Ramai yang keliru tentang kedudukan gratuiti dan imbuhan yang diterima samada tunduk kepada zakat atau tidak. Bagi memudahkan kefahaman, mari kita lihat terlebih dahulu mengenai konsep gratuiti itu sendiri. Gratuiti menurut Kamus Dewan bermaksud ganjaran biasanya berupa wang yang diberikan oleh majikan kepada pekerja yang berhenti atau bersara sebagai penghargaan kepada perkhidmatan yang telah diberikan. […]

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Zakat on Trade

The majority of scholars among the companions, the followers, the generation after them, and the jurists who came subsequently held that zakat on merchandise is compulsory. Abu Dawud and al-Baihaqi relate that Samurah ibn Jundub reported: “The Prophet used to command us to pay sadaqah from [the goods] we had for sale.” Ad-Daraqutni and al-Baihaqi […]

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Karikatur Ustaz Amil No. 7

Barangsiapa memiliki dua nikmat ini (waktu lapang dan nikmat sihat), hendaklah ia mensyukurinya dengan melaksanakan segala perintah dan menjauhi setiap larangan Allah. Barangsiapa yang tidak bersyukur, maka dialah orang yang tertipu. Semoga Allah selalu memberi kita taufik dan hidayah-Nya untuk memanfaatkan dua nikmat ini dalam ketaatan. Semoga kita tidak termasuk orang-orang yang tertipu dan terperdaya. […]

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Impact of Zakat on the Muslim

  • December 23, 2021
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There is no doubt that Zakat (obligatory charity) has a great impact on both the person who pays it and on society as a whole. Among its impacts are the following: It purifies the person who gives it from sins and acts of disobedience he committed; Allah Says (what means): {Take, [O Muhammad Sallallahu `Alayhi […]

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Why We Should Purify Our Wealth?

  • December 23, 2021
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Why it is important that we should ‘purify’ our wealth and what is the significance of zakat? In Islam, all wealth belongs to Allah. It does not belong to the individual. Wealth is an amanah (trust that is entrusted to the individual) from Allah. We are but the administrator of it. We will have to […]

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On Increasing Good Deeds

  • December 23, 2021
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All praise is due to Allah. He made the Quran a beacon of light for its readers. He also made the prayers a source of comfort for worshipers and the charity a rewarding trade for those who spend in the cause of Allah. Reciting Al-QuranPlease know that the faithful believers who run a beneficial trade, […]

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The Wisdom Of Giving

  • December 23, 2021
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Wealth is something that is desired by humans. In attaining wealth, at times friends become foes. Because of wealth, siblings would turn against each other. Due to the greed for wealth, one forgets about halal and haram. While engrossed in attaining wealth, the ibadah (worship) unto Allah gets neglected. These are among the challenges pertaining […]

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